FM 2014 TActic: 4-3-3 Offensive
The idea:
You have three strikers, give them the ball and they'll score! This tactic is an offensive tactic, you will create chances without leaking in the defense. The idea is actually to have a solid back four that wins the ball back and quickly provide long-balls for the strikers. Unlike Dutch 4-3-3 which is a possession based tactic this is purelt based on quick long-balls linking defense and atack as soon as possible. In the midfield it's a bit thin, therefor you need your only central midfielder to work hard as if you had two CM.The core is though in the offensive. Three strikers with different roles gives you many dimensions. For the opposition it's hard to defend in all dimensions. The Target Man uses his aerial ability to start an attack, but if he is marked you have a Deep Lying Forward that can drop and receive the ball. Also you have an Atcking Forward ready to exploit the smallest mistakes by the opposition with his speed and runs behind the defensive lines.
Team instruction:
This is as the name suggest a 4-3-3 tactic. In the back four you will have a very ordinary defense, no Wingbacks just Fullbacks. In midfiels you have two on the flank and one box to box CM. In Atack there is one TM one DLF and finally a AF. Tactic is offensive and the fluidity is balanced..
Defensibly you need to win the ball back quickly, therefor you Hassle the opposition, have a high defensive line. With high defensive lines comes offside traps.
Offensively you want to start the offensive ASAP. To do so you cross the ball early, even though the players aren't ready to receive the cross. But you play with float crosses, this will give time for your player to be ready to receive the cross. It's also a high tempo to overwhelm the opposition defense.
Player instruction:
- Goalkeeper:
Sweeper Keeper - support
Instr. More Direct Pass, Take Long Kicks
First of all, with a high defensive line sweeper keeper is a must. Remember Eccentricity is important here, - Defender Right/Left:
Full Back - Defend
Instr. Mark Tighter, Run Wide With Ball, Ease Off Tackles, More Direct Pass, Cross more often, Cross aim at Target Man - Central Defender Right/Left:
Ball playing defender - cover
Instr. mark tighter, More Direct pass, Ease off Tackles
They don't do anything stupid. They stay on their feet and keeps a solid defensive line. No risking here! - Midfielder Right:
Winger - Support
Instr. Tackle Harder, Mark Tighter, More Direct Passes, Cross From Depth, Get Further Forward, Stay Wider, Shoot More Often, Cross Aim Target Man - Midfielder Central:
Box To Box Midfield - Support
Instr. More Direct Pass, Close Down More, Tacle Harder, Mark Tighter, Roam From Position, Shoot More Often - Midfielder Left:
Wide Midfielder - Attack
Instr. Mark Tighter, More Direct Passes, Cross From Depth, Stay Wider, Shoot More Often, Cross Aim Target Man - Striker Central Right: Target Man - Support
Instr. Mark Tighter, More Direct Passes, Roam From Position, Tackle Harder - Striker Central:
Deep Lying Forward - Support
Instr. Mark Tighter, More Direct Passes, Roam from position - Striker Central Right:
Advanced Forward - Attack
Instr. Mark Tighter, More Direct Passes, Hold Position, Tackle Harder, Move Into Channels